
作者:顾嘉宽    来源:环球营    2018/09/26

顾嘉宽,11岁,上海万科双语学校6年级。喜欢足球、棒球、滑雪、架子鼓、乐高机器人、美食与旅行。18年暑假参加了CTY在加州La Jolla校区的日营,用中英文撰写此文。

What does CTY mean? It means Center of Talent Youth. Wonderful environment, patient teachers, tasty food and unforgettable friends, it seems like a dream! The daily teaching content is both valuable and interesting! Daily homework is moderate and there is plenty of time for outdoor sports!

The above content is 100 percent the truth.



In the first week, I met my teacher Miss VAN, and my PA Mr CORNER, the course I chose was Examining Evidence, abbreviated to EXAM. I went to the door with blood, and it was a bit of scary, but Miss VAN told us that it was fake. Miss VAN spent the whole morning talking about HONOR CODE AND LAB SAFETY. Because it was so important, after lunch she told us there is a forensic challenge every day. We learned FORENSIC TIME LINE, PROCESSING A CRIME SCENE, INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE REASONING, WHY OBSERVATION IS SO IMPORTANT TO FORENSIC SCIENCE, SOME PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, LIKE HAIR, FIBERS, DUST, AND DIRT. The combination of learning and playing is just prefect!The most exciting activity was physical evidence hunting, we brought tweezers, gloves, goggles and masks to protect our crime scenes. There were hair, fibers, dust and dirt and so on. I found the most.

第一周,我见到了我的老师VAN女士和我的PA CORNER先生。我选择的课程是证据侦查,缩写为EXAM。我走到教室门口时,门上有血,这有点吓人,但VAN老师告诉我们这是假的。VAN老师整个上午都在介绍荣誉准则和实验室安全守则,因为这非常重要。午饭后她告诉我们法医每天都面临着挑战。而后我们逐渐学习了法医时间线、处理犯罪现场、诱导性和推理性推理,以及为什么观察对于法医学如此重要,和某些物理证据:如发、纤维、灰尘和污垢等。学习和玩耍的结合真是完美!最激动人心的活动是寻找物理证据,犯罪现场有头发,纤维,灰尘和污垢等,我们带来了镊子、手套、护目镜和面具来保护犯罪现场。我发现和找到的物理证据最多。

In the second week, I had primary understanding of forensic science, I had made many friends. We learned BITE MARKS, FOOT PRINTS, TIRE MARKS, TOOL MARKS, FINGER PRINTS AND BONES. Our experimental equipment was becoming more and more abundant. The activity of bite marks was a tasty activity, Miss VAN let us bite 6 candies, after we learned how to realize bitemarks, we can eat all of them, but l didn’t eat all of them, because 2 of them tastedbad.


The activity of bones was a bit of scary, but it was brilliant! Together we studied a person’s skull, we used our knowledge of skull we’ve learned to find out this person is whether a male or female, and so on.


In the last week, I was going to show my results, we learned BALLISTICS, BLOOD, PUNNETT SQUARE, TIME OF DEATH, DNA AND GENE. On the last two days, my long-awaited case finally appeared! My friend RYAN and I successfully solved the case! Our efforts weren’t in vain! I am so proud to show my poster to everyone!


I can’t wait to come to CTY next year!


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